Thursday, June 2, 2016

do you consider yourself as a visual or verbal learner? come up with different ways you use in order to acquire the information based on your type of learning?


  1. I am a visual learner in the sense that I need to see the words. The best way for me to remember something is to write it down. In this way technology is not as useful for me because my memory works best with pen and paper. I'm all about notes

  2. i am a visual learner. i prefer to see and do everything that i have to learn. for example, one time in technology classroom, my teacher forgot to show us one step of using new program. Then,i got confuse. So, it is easy for me to see and practice immediately.

  3. I'm visual, too. However, my mom and I often joke that sometimes we need to talk about something or write about something in order to "process" it or "figure it out". I guess that makes us verbal as well.

  4. Actually, I always see myself as a complicated person. One reason is that I always use the both styles in my learning. When I read, I just look at lines and read without even opining my mouth or moving my lips. However, when I am in the classroom, I prefer to listen to my teachers carefully, and without writing down what she/he said, I can keep most of her/his explanation in my mind. You can see now how I am weird one!

  5. Actually, I always see myself as a complicated person. One reason is that I always use the both styles in my learning. When I read, I just look at lines and read without even opining my mouth or moving my lips. However, when I am in the classroom, I prefer to listen to my teachers carefully, and without writing down what she/he said, I can keep most of her/his explanation in my mind. You can see now how I am weird one!

  6. I am a visual learner too, and a pen or pencil work magic for me. I find it very difficult to retain information from electronic files. I need to write down, take notes in order to learn. But I also recently found out that I am a kynesthetic learner. That if I actually use my body in the learning process, I grasp much more information.

  7. Since I am visual learner, I usually learn new knowledge by seeing and saying what I want to learn. So, usually, I make mental picture in my mind for every new knowledge I learned in order to remember it. I feel that this is my learning styles because if I learn new words without seeing I would not remember it in the future.

  8. Since I am visual learner, I usually learn new knowledge by seeing and saying what I want to learn. So, usually, I make mental picture in my mind for every new knowledge I learned in order to remember it. I feel that this is my learning styles because if I learn new words without seeing I would not remember it in the future.

  9. I'm visual and verbal. Sometimes I actually have to babble out loud about something for 10 minutes before I know what I want to say--not like our President at all! He really thinks before he speaks! Ha, ha!
